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I have seen some
of the ruggedize
d laotpp compute
rs drop kick t
hem into the nex
t county quite
pricy but very r
ugged I think
the cell phone c
ompanies are mis
sing a small mar
ket by not marke
ting a rugged wa
ter resistant ph
one lots of bo
aters and other
outdoor people o
ut there that us
e their cell pho
nes in less than
ideal conditions
. One person I
know goat a new
digital camera l
ast summer for b
oat use and was
very happy at th
e water resistan
ce and 4 foot dr
op rating. When
I was in today a
sking about a la
nyard so I would
not drop my new
phone they sales
guy just looked
at me with this
real dumb look o
n his face he
sort of understo
od the concept b
ut I guess they
sell move replac
ement cell phone
s if you can dro
p them easier
Oh well.